Upcoming Events
Survivors for Liberation Launch Meeting
Join Accountable Communities Consortium and Look2Justice for the launch of the Survivors for Liberation Coalition. Survivors for Liberation is a Washington State platform for survivors of gender-based violence to share their stories and work together towards collective liberation. The goal of this coalition is to amplify the voices of survivors with a commitment to liberation beyond criminalization.
In this initial convening we will be spending some time getting to know each other, talking about the history of this work and exploring how and what we want to build.
Can't make this meeting? We would love to have you at a future meeting. Sign-up for the Accountable Communities Consortium email list to stay in the loop: https://accountablecommunities.com/contact
Questions? Email media@look2justice.org
Transformative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence Workshop
Transformative justice has been a valuable tool for addressing violence outside of harmful state-based systems. As our movements have grown we've seen community members turn towards transformative justice practices to address the range of violence our communities experience. When faced with questions of domestic and sexual violence many community members can feel overwhelmed.
This workshop is designed to support community members in building skills to better understand intimate partner violence (IPV) and explore the possibilities and pitfalls of transformative justice practices in addressing IPV. We will discuss how transformative justice practices can support people surviving abuse, people being abusive and the communities who love them.
Thursday, February 20th
3-5pm PT/5-7pm CT/6-8pm ET
Registration is sliding scale $0-25
This workshop will be presented in Zoom webinar format with opportunities for questions. We will be using zoom generated captions. A recording will be available for people who register for up to one month after the workshop.
For questions please reach out to Shannon@accountablecommunities.com

Transformation is Possible: Community Care for People Who Are Abusive
Join members of the Community Responses to Domestic Violence Work Group to learn about our work building community-based, non-criminalizing, support for people who have been abusive in an intimate partnership.
Abolish Mandatory Reporting and Family Policing
How do movements for abolition of mandatory reporting and family policing intersect with larger movements for abolition of the criminal legal system? In this conversation, Erin Miles Cloud (Movement for Family Power), Jasmine Wali (JMac for Families) and Shannon Perez-Darby (Mandatory Reporting is Not Neutral Project) will discuss the history of and harms associated with mandatory reporting; its role in policing Black, brown, and indigenous families; and how together we can abolish mandatory reporting while building strong, safe, and connected communities.
Reports are Not Support: Mandatory Reporting Harm Reduction
Please join us for Reports are Not Support: Mandatory Reporting Harm Reduction, a live zoom workshop October 4th at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET. Pay what you can. ASL interpretation and zoom captioning provided. Facilitated by Shannon Perez-Darby and co-hosted by Just Beginnings Collaborative and Mandatory Reporting is Not Neutral.
Description: From direct services providers and social workers to policy makers and funders, this training is designed for anyone interested in learning more about what mandatory reporting is and why mandatory reporting harm reduction is essential to re-examining the root causes of and preventing child sexual abuse. We will explore the impacts of current mandatory reporting policies and practices and build mandatory reporting harm reduction skills.
English Zoom captioning & ASL will be provided; for other access requests, please email events@justbeginnings.org by 9/16.
Mandatory Reporting, Abolition, and Trans and Disability Justice
Mandatory Reporting, Abolition, and Trans and Disability Justice
A Conversation with Ericka Ayodele Dixon, Victoria Copeland, and Shannon Perez-Darby, facilitated by Paris Chapman

Divest! Invest?
A panel discussion exploring how we turn defund the police into BIPOC community investments.
Celebration of Change
I’m excited to be emceeing the Coalition Ending Gender-based Violence’s annual fundraising event Celebration of Change.
On April 29, 2021, we will gather to (virtually) spend time together, celebrate our community and a shared vision of a future without gender based violence.
The fun will start at 5:00 PM, when guests will enter a virtual reception and welcome orientation. We’ll engage in some facilitated social networking to meet friends and allies in the community. Then, at 6:00 PM, we’ll transition to the main program for a fabulous selection of performances from queer POC artists. We'll hear from leaders and allies of the Coalition and from the front lines working to end gender based violence in our region. Keynote speaker—Abigail Echo-Hawk of the Urban Indian Health Institute—is not to be missed!
Sexual Violence Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adapting in an Ever-Changing Landscape
Sexual Violence Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adapting in an Ever-Changing Landscape
Join PreventConnect and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, Shannon Perez-Darby and Emily Austin for a conversation about mandatory reporting and handing disclosures in a trauma-informed way that replicates the least harm possible.
Sexual violence preventionists often face participants and youth disclosing their own experiences with violence in prevention spaces. Responding in a trauma-informed way is essential, and doing so in online and remote environments can pose additional challenges. It’s also critical for preventionists to understand both their roles as mandated reporters of youth violence and/or responsible employees of college and university students, and how these laws and policies have a disproportionate harmful impact on marginalized communities.
This web conference is part of a series with the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and Prevent Connect “Sexual Violence Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adapting in an Ever-Changing Landscape.”
Registration is currently full but you can sign up for the waitlist below and the session will be posted on YouTube after it’s done.

Not Neutral: Exploring the Intersections of Mandatory Reporting and Domestic Violence
Confidentiality and self-determination are key tenets of domestic violence advocacy. This workshop will explore the impacts of mandatory reporting on domestic violence advocacy and best practices on supporting survivors in the face of a complex reporting landscape.

Not Neutral: The Impact of Mandatory Reporting on Domestic Violence Survivors
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET/ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm CT/ 12:00 pm - 2:00pm PT
Featuring Dr. Carrie Lippy & Shannon Perez-Darby
As increasing light is shed on the limitations of criminal legal responses to domestic violence, calls for community-based solutions that do not involve the criminal legal system are growing louder. Mandatory reporting laws pose a significant challenge in making this shift, however, by connecting many informal and formal domestic violence supports to criminal and legal institutions. In this Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month webinar, we will explore the impact of mandatory reporting on domestic violence survivors, highlighting unique impacts for LGBTQ young people. We will present findings from a 2016 survey that examined how mandatory reporting affects the help-seeking of domestic violence survivors. We will also identify practical strategies advocates can use to decrease negative consequences of reporting and increase survivor safety and self-determination.
Sponsored by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
We Had No Rules: A reading with Corinne Manning, Shannon Perez-Darby and Kristen Millares Young
I'm excited to be (virtually) joining Corinne Manning and Kristen Millares Young at Bluestockings Bookstore, Café, & Activist Center on Thursday January 28th at 7pm ET/4pm PT in support of Corinne's brilliantly queer story collection We Had No Rules.
Come hear Corinne read from their collection (have you bought a copy yet?). Shannon will be reading from previously published worked and sharing an excerpt from the accountability book I'm working on. We'll be talking about what it is to write about harm and the role curiosity and community plays in our work.

Abolitionist Toolbox series: Self-Accountability and Movement Building
This workshop happened in the September of 2020, as part of the Abolitionist Toolbox series and in collaboration with Project Nia .
Accountability is a human skill, not something that happens to bad people. How many times have movements been pulled apart not because of external forces but because of internal conflict and strife? So often we ask how others can be accountable without first looking internally and asking, "How have I been accountable?" Join us to explore the role self-accountability plays in building strong, sustainable movements. We'll discuss how self-accountability—that is accountability with and for ourselves—is essential in building accountable communities and the movements to sustain them.